Doyalson Animal Hospital | Client Merlin Being Treated for Heat Stress

Heat Stress – How to Help Keep Your Pets Cool This Summer

We have been experiencing extreme temperatures over the past month, and whilst we can seek out and take comfort in the cool air conditioning, our pets sometimes need help keeping cool.

Why should you be concerned with heat stress? Heat stress can develop in only a matter of minutes and can also be fatal! Make sure you know the signs of heat stress: excessive panting, open mouth breathing, lethargy and trouble walking.

It doesn’t matter the breed, size, age or type of furry friend you have, all are susceptible to the hot weather, so it is important to be prepared. Our vets and nurses share their favourite tips for how they help to keep their pets cool:


  • Providing wet, cool towels for your pet to lie on and cool down as needed. You can also purchase self cooling mats from selected stores
  • Create your own ice block either by freezing water bottles and placing them into your pet’s water bowl to keep it cool. Or filling a clip lock bag or ice cream container with some treats and water for a cool, yummy treat
  • Paddling or shell pools for our water loving pets: just add a large rock or fill with some sand to ensure it cannot tip over
  • Create your own shade: tarps, shade cloths and camping shelters are an easy way to create shade
  • Install a doggy door and give your pet access to inside the cool house
  • Walk and exercise your pet early in the morning when it is nice and cool


  • Provide plenty of cool water: ceramic bowls (rather than metal ones) will stay cooler for longer
  • As our cats are inside, ensure there is plenty of ventilation and cool air flow
  • Cooling mats and beds to lie on are a great way for our feline friends to cool down

Pocket pets

  • Frozen water bottles in an old sock are a great way for our pocket pets to lay along or on and cool down
  • Freeze some of their favourite food for a refreshing treat
  • Shade, shade, shade! Ensure they have plenty of shade and are out of direct sunlight
  • When 25o + If possible, bring them inside and near a fan/air con


  • Lastly, don’t forget about all of our beautiful wildlife: install a bird bath, sprinkler or bucket full of water. But add a large rock to ensure they are able to get out of the water source

As always, any concerns please contact your veterinarian as soon as possible, or call on (02) 43992129